
to my random thought processes.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Blogging about blogs...

Today, I went to my myspace page and revisted old blogs. Usually they are about relationship issues, romance, or random moments where I needed to vent about life in general.

Lately, I've been so stressed with school and life in general that I forgot how excited I was when I realized I wanted to be a Special Education teacher. It seems everywhere I go, and the people that I meet are negative about their lives as teachers and I hear complaint after complaint. Since I am not a teacher right now, I have no students of my own that inspire me, the stories of "my students" are not "mine" and I forgot how fun it was to teach everyday. How every morning when my students walked into homeroom a new adventure began.

When I read my blogs I reminded myself of how much I love my kiddos and how much I looked forward to my daily stories. I found a blog where I decided I want to be an Education Specialist and teach students with special needs. I was SO PSYCHED!

August... is the month. I should be done by then. I pray to God I can find a job and the inspiration will begin again.

Right now, I breathe and try to look forward. I know the finish line is out there, but I have to get over this hill to reach it. Credential, why are you taking so long?

1 comment:

  1. You'll definitely get there. :)

    And I totally understand how you can get mired in the muck and forget why something brought you joy in the first place. I am so there with you, my friend.

