
to my random thought processes.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Years Resoultions

As the new year quickly approaches,  I realize should start setting some goals.  I thought about these very carefully and I hope I can commit to them.

1.  I WILL lose weight.  Cliché? I know, but I NEED to lose weight.  If I keep this up, I'll be eligible for stomach stapling.
2.  I will workout at least 3 days a week for 45 minutes.  I used to workout everyday, which as soon as I get a routine going, I am sure, will not be an issue.
3.  I am going to continue my Masters (Mainly so that I can hold off on paying the my student loans, and I can apply for a loan forgiveness program . By the way: I've been writing my statement of purpose today... Eek! )
4. I will read books for PLEASURE.
5. I will take some kind of arts class; theatre, dance, or music-- for fun!
If I can't do 5 I will do 6
6. Audition for a production again.

Last year's resolutions were each met:
I packed my lunch at least 4 days out of the week. I learned to cook fairly well. I finished the credential program thanks to guardian angels John and Trisha Bowler.   I also said I would not judge or let myself be affected by other people's opinion of me.-- So I said, "Screw (most of) them!"  Some people's opinions still matter, and that's probably because I love them to much to not let their words affect me.


What do you resolve to do this year?

Saturday, December 18, 2010

A Story of Survivors

Again, I am grateful to God for so many things.  Today, I am grateful for El Camino College and it's Associated Student Organization (ASO.)

As some of you know, I was born into a poor family. Luckily, my father managed to get a job in aerospace in the late 70s, while still working as a pastor.  When my father was laid off from his aerospace job in 1995, the vision of a four-year college seemed to fade into the distance as my senior year drew closer.  At this time, I told my mother that I would just get a job and help support the household and help my sister finish school, and then, I would go to college. My mother was not having it, but when we looked at new tuition costs we realized that I couldn't go to the schools I had always dreamed of.  So, I was to either not going to school or go to El Camino College which happened to be the closest community college to our home. 

I decided to go to El Camino and although my dreams were of NYU and it's famous Tisch school of the arts. I bit my tongue while students who were not theatre majors struggled through acting scenes and took my craft lightly; not memorizing lines, breaking character, lacking focus, and simply not caring about their "elective" option. I for one, did take it seriously.  I switched majors, but came back to my true love: Theatre Arts. Eventually, I started a drama club on campus and ran for the "Fine Art" representative position for El Camino ASO and I stuck around long enough to run for ASO Secretary. 

It was during this time that I met some amazingly ambitious students at El Camino College and noticed that not everyone at El Camino was a slacker or would be there for 10 years.  I made some amazing friends while I was there.  We'd spend our lunches chatting, playing Chinese poker, and working toward righting the wrongs at El Camino. Together with our ASO director Harold Tyler, we went to board meetings and presented arguments for lower parking fees, and child care.   I felt like I was a DC comic book character fighting, writing, and speaking to make the school a better place for the poor.  It was wonderful!  I had purpose again.  I became part of the Alpha Gamma Sigma honor's society and eventually began looking at transferring.  I was accepted to UC Riverside, UC Irvine, USC, and every other Cal State in southern CA,  but chose to go to Cal State Fullerton instead for their excellent Theatre program and affordability.

I am grateful to each of the friends I played Chinese poker with and spent hour typing up proposals and studying finals with.  After we transferred I wasn't able to keep in touch.  My work schedule and class schedule kept me busy for 20/ 24 hours.   But after graduation and the invention of social networking, I was able to keep in touch with one; Siannah.

It was Siannah who emailed me and invited me to Harold Tyler's retirement celebration at El Camino.  When I arrived, I knew no one.  I clenched my teeth and awaited seeing my old friends.  Finally, a face I vaguely remembered came toward me, shook my hand, and said hi.  It's been about 10 years since I was at El Camino.  I asked him his name.... Sabas!  I lost the grip on his hand and gave him a hug.  This man was an inspiration to any Latino male in the inner-city.  El Camino gave him an opportunity and he ran with it.  About thirty minutes later, Siannah walks in.  She's in a gray pant suit looking gorgeous and powerful... She's working for the D.A.  Then, Bryan...he's a lawyer too.  I looked at this circle of friends and thought to myself...we've come pretty far.  I almost felt ashamed because I am only a teacher. 

On my way back to my car I walked through the Performing Arts (Music Building) and saw the bulletin board that I created for the Drama Club... the same bulletin board letters, border, and paper that I used.  Ten years later, no one has stepped up to change it, make it better.

That's when it hit me... El Camino College ASO was a place for each of us to grow. To realize that we could make change as small as it may be, but change nonetheless.  ASO was platform for students who came from nothing: poverty, single parents, the streets and we became something.  Each of us have a career worthy of note.  Each of us is a success story.

I received an email of a picture we took.  As I looked at each  face,  I felt proud of each of them and myself.  We made it!  So many young people in our predicaments don't, but we did.   So often I feel like there's more to do in life, but we survived a lot and will continue to be survivors.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Gratitude for God is Good!

I am thankful for all the blessings God has given me.  First and foremost-- I am grateful for God because he has given me each of the blessings listed below.

1. My husband Kevin, who makes me smile each day and loves me more than any man on the planet could
2. My health--
3. My mom who loves me more than I even know
4. My sister who is quite possibly the least selfish person I know
5. My nephew Joseph who is hilarious and will someday be on stage making people laugh
6. My in laws who have adopted me into their family and have helped us survive these tough times
7. My new job.  I feel so comfortable where I am right now.  I feel as if I can be myself and so far, I am not overwhelmed
8. My church family, who has been celebrated the ups and cried with us during the downs.  Seacoast Church Redondo Beach rocks!
9. My friends, who although I don't get to see very often, I know I can always depend on
10. I am thankful for life... another year of gratitude and hope for the future.

It's been a bumpy road this year, but God is, was, and will always be good.  =)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Surviving the Recession

I would just like to say that being married and both of us being unemployed is hard. Really hard! I don’t know people made it through the Great Depression! These amazing couples survived one of the hardest trials for Americans and some are still married to this day. I know a married couple at our church that met in a Japanese Internment Camp. Crazy! They are still going strong! I want to be like those couples, but I wonder if they ever have argued like we argue.

Let me tell you, Kevin and I, have almost married a year and we argue about stupid stuff. Mainly cleaning or finding work.

Recently I completed my Student Teaching, which I loved and hated. I loved it, because I worked with some amazing teachers and students, but hated it because I couldn’t get a job. I would be student teaching in the mornings and then I would head to class. Or I would come home to work on some crazy lengthy lesson (that nobody ever does when they actually teach) to hand to my University Supervisor. I thought I was going to die every day. I was tired, and worn out, and broke. Then, when I got home, the small one bedroom apartment we rent, would be a mess. My husband would be sitting at the computer on Facebook, commenting on every friend’s picture and posts. While I had to clean up the mess and fix dinner. Did I think it was fair, no?

But hallelujah! Kevin was contracted into this temporary job in a nearby town, where he did what he does best, work with computers. He has such a passion for it. At the same time, I was done with school, which made life a little easier. I get up in the morning and clean up any messes that were left behind, put the iron away, vacuum, dust, and do all the “wifely duties” I needed to get done. By 10 am the small apartment was spotless and I could read, or think of cool recipes to make for dinner. Kevin came home and had something to talk about other than “The Family Guy” and what people were talking about on Facebook.

Men need to work! Why? Because I think God genetically engineered them to work hard. When they don’t work, THEY DON’T WORK! They do not want to do ANYTHING! Another reason that men need to work is because women need space and time to clean up when they are not around. Crazy!

We’re both on the brink of finding jobs! I just completed my credential program (Thank you Jesus!) and am waiting for everything to post on the state’s website.  That way I can say that I am official and I am not overlooked for positions. He may have a position lined up, but it’s not working with computers and I think he is upset. All those years of college, and then to run into this economy, would make anyone feel like giving up. However, a job is a job. I told him, that if it’s God’s will for him to be there, he will love it, because he will make it fun and exciting for himself.

It’s been a rough 1st year, but I guess the tougher it is when you start out, the more you can overcome little things. They say money and sex are the main marriage breakers. Money hasn’t broken us yet, and let’s just say that the sex part is quite alright. ;)

She got FAAAAT!

Over the last two years I have managed to gain 50 lbs. When I was once only 15-20 lbs overweight, it seems that I am now 70 lbs overweight. How does this happen? I want to blame it on stress, but there are skinny stressed out people. I would like to say it’s happy weight, but what kind of weight is happy? Is it genetics? My mom is overweight, but my sister is thin. So, I have to come to terms with things… I am fat.

So what now? I am fat and what I can I do to change the fact that I am slowly ballooning into an elephant? --Okay, maybe not an elephant, more like a young farm animal. Still, it depresses me to know that me the once gym rat, healthy food eater, and lover of fitness is lazy and fat.

Today, I begin journaling for 10 days everything that I consume. I will try to share with you all what I have been eating. That way I make myself accountable to someone other than my husband who says I am beautiful even when I feel like a blimp.

So far today, I have had one sip of water. Water is good, right?

This has got to change! I have a 1.5 year goal. Hopefully it comes off sooner, but I feel like 70 lbs is a lot of weight. I know that I can do it with the Lord’s help. Philippians 4:13: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. So, today, I ask the Lord to give me the strength I need to get healthy.

Now, I have had two sips of water.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Blogging about blogs...

Today, I went to my myspace page and revisted old blogs. Usually they are about relationship issues, romance, or random moments where I needed to vent about life in general.

Lately, I've been so stressed with school and life in general that I forgot how excited I was when I realized I wanted to be a Special Education teacher. It seems everywhere I go, and the people that I meet are negative about their lives as teachers and I hear complaint after complaint. Since I am not a teacher right now, I have no students of my own that inspire me, the stories of "my students" are not "mine" and I forgot how fun it was to teach everyday. How every morning when my students walked into homeroom a new adventure began.

When I read my blogs I reminded myself of how much I love my kiddos and how much I looked forward to my daily stories. I found a blog where I decided I want to be an Education Specialist and teach students with special needs. I was SO PSYCHED!

August... is the month. I should be done by then. I pray to God I can find a job and the inspiration will begin again.

Right now, I breathe and try to look forward. I know the finish line is out there, but I have to get over this hill to reach it. Credential, why are you taking so long?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Missing the Milestones

As you all know I was teaching at a middle school, and I loved it. I love kids at that age. They are wanna-be-adults which make them easy to handle. If they give you a hard time or they're having difficult day, the students are with you for an hour or two, and then they are off to see their next teacher. They understand sarcasm, figurative language, and are basically fun people to talk to.

I am currently doing a round of student teaching in a third/fourth grade combo. I've worked with this age group before, but never in a Special Day Class setting. Which basically means that the kids are in a Special Education class for most, if not all of the day. I think there is one student in that class that attends a General Education class for 1/2 of the day. Needless to say, that when you get enough students with special needs in a small room dying to get your attention, it can get frustrating.

Across the way is the K-2 Special Day Class where you can hear kids screaming. That frightens me a bit. To think that some people get paid to live in that kind of chaos and do nothing to fix it.

However, I admire those individuals who teach elementary school. There is something so wonderful about an adult willing to spend so much time in a room with the same small children.

Don't get me wrong, I love elementary school, but I miss my middle schoolers more than ever right now. I miss Marck and his little sayings; "Ms. Zaldivar that's colder than the other side of the pillow." I miss arguing with my twin girls and telling them they are capable of much more than they think right now. I miss Andy, who would drive me to the point of lunacy because he was a likable, attention-sucking, seventh grader. I miss my 8th grade class that seem to drop from heaven, where everyone worked hard and tried their best every time. I miss Rudy and her messy backpack and phoning her mother when she had work to complete in English, but chose to not do it. Most of all, I miss seeing their successes. I'm missing all of these end of the year milestones and breakthroughs.

I know I am not getting my old job back, because apparently Harvard won out this time, but I know that I like this age group.

Crazy thing is... my next group of kids are most likely going be in a lower grade. =) Wish me luck with the babies.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

"Remember me?"

Pursuing a dream is tough. At some point in my life, I stopped taking risks. I took the easy route, and chose a career over my dreams. I loved the career I chose, but dreams seem so much more exiting. People who can I say, "I accomplished my dreams" fascinate me." I wonder if those people ever switched off on dreams or gave up on, at least, two of them.

You see, in high school I signed every yearbook with the following phrase; "Follow your dreams, they'll take you anywhere you want to go." This was my motto, my life mission, my credence, and yet I gave up on my teenage dreams. I found new goals along the way, but that dream never seemed to die. I kept that dream going until part of that dream was shattered in 2006 by a man that I loved and trusted. I then shifted gears, and went the practical route, which gave me credibility with my family. I grew in my faith in the Lord. I learned about the importance of managing money. I met an amazing man who loves me more than anyone else on this earth and who taught me to love again. Yet, through it all that little dream kept popping its head up and saying "Remember me? You loved me once." My inner monologue would patronize it, saying, "I'll get to you in a minute," but I never did.

When I graduated from school in 2005, I was ready to take on the world. I had my acting degree and I was ready to audition for every show I could. Then, I had that wedding to plan, and realized the man I was about to marry didn't love me, and for some reason when all of this went down hill, I had to make a new plan for myself.

So I started looking at my second passion in life: working with kids. Who works with kids? The finalists on that list were Teachers and Social Workers. So, I decided to become a teacher. Better yet, I became a Special Education teacher, and I am a damn good teacher. Kids that no one else can handle, I can deal with it. I dropped that little ol' dream of acting and poured my heart & soul into my kids. I probably spent 200/ month on my classroom supplies; buying markers and crayons, books, workbooks, and necessities for some of my more needy students. I loved seeing the kids come in and learn. I especially enjoy middle school, because they are still kids, yet they understand sarcasm and know pop culture. So chasing the the acting dream, just sat there for three years while I helped mold the future of America.

The more and more I sit around waiting for people to call and filling out job applications online, I keep thinking I need to do something with my talents. Something that will help people, maybe kids, maybe teens. I hope I can use these talents to praise God. I have been praying and asking the Lord to guide me, but this little "dream" keeps bugging me to reach for it. Maybe, I will fulfill my life's goal. Who knows? Maybe I'll be one of those people who said "I accomplished my dreams."

Dream: Remember me? You loved me once.

Debbie: Hey, I was just thinking about you. Sorry, I've been so busy, pal. Wanna hang out today?

Monday, March 8, 2010

Gasping for Breath

Let me start by saying, I am a 31 year old newly wed, who has recently lost her job as a Special Education Teacher. Technically, I was an intern, but it was a paid gig, so I guess, I am unemployed. When I was told, on a Wednesday, that Friday would be my last day, I cried. I cried that sick sobbing cry that you try to breathe through, but for some reason each breath you take makes you sob more pathetically than the first. It makes you look like a fish out of water gasping for breath. Which is exactly what I felt like; as if someone had pulled me out of my world and said "You have three days to live." I just kept thinking about my students, and who would take over my class of special needs kids? Who was going to care about them like I do? I felt as if a little part of me died that day.

One day I will look back on this experience and say, "Gosh, that was nothing compared to..." and I will fill in the blank with something more terrible than this, but for now, this is the "suckiest" thing that has happened to me in a while. Here's the thing too, I need to finish school, but I need money to pay my tuition, but if I can't pay my tuition I can't go to school, but if I don't finish school, I won't have a job.... you get the picture. I call it the circle of doom.

So, for now, I am going back to what I know: Working with kids, and the Performing Arts. I act and sing, so I thought I would go back to what I know so I can get a job to pay for school. I have applied to over 20 postings in the last week, and I heard back from one. My friend Erin, who is an amazing photographer will be hooking me up with headshots on Wednesday, and hopefully I can get a job in Educational Theatre. I am crossing my fingers that I can remember what I taught back in the day. I am nervous, but I figure I have to do something to survive.

The crazy thing is, that through all of the chaos and despair, I have felt the Lord comfort me more than ever. God has sent the most wonderful people to give me Bible verses, and words on encouragement. I know that I have been asking the Lord to help me fulfill my purpose in this world, and maybe this is all part of his grander plan.

"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope." (Jeremiah 29:11)

"A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps." (Proverbs 16:9)

I guess my plan wasn't good enough, and the Lord shifted my steps in a new direction. I just pray that the Holy Spirit will direct my steps to what he has planned for me. I hope that this sick feeling of uncertainty be filled with God's peace and understanding for what he really wants from me.

If you read this and pray, ask for the Lord to guide my steps and give me His wisdom and His vision for my life.